Monday must be Greek or Latin for “Poop” day. Yes Poop (and for all you SpongeBobbers out there I’m not talking about People Order Our Patties!) I know that Monday’s are notorious for bringin’ on the Blues……..but the Browns too?
Dookie-day started this am. I went to Papa-in-laws to scoop Meerose & Maisers’ kitty boxes (We’ll call this #2 #1). Not bad, except I picked up the newspaper only to find a cat had peed on the plastic bag holding the paper! Yuck! OK, so technically that wasn’t poop…….but it was still disgusting!
Next was a four-part series of events. (#2 2-5) Soph has been having some “incidents,” where she ends up not making it to the potty and leaving more than just a skidmark behind. I think it’s like a Shart thing, but 4 times? Really?! The last one was especially copious and required some additional assistance. Dude, come on!
The last one (#2 6), probably the one that tipped the Poop Scale was Matty. Yup. Total burnination. He’d been storing it up for a couple days, so it was a total “Crapshoot” as to who’d be the lucky one to get to hose him down. Looks like I drew the short straw. I’m talkin’ front to back, side to side…….every square inch. I kid you not. Caramel Macchiato! Left a huge stain in his Baseball jammies…….”When your slidin’ into home and you’re feelin’ somethin’ foam…….” Yup. Took 4 washcloths to clean up. It was the stuff nightmares are made of……wakin’ up in a cold sweat…………and like, “Awwwwwwwwwwww dang!!!!!”
So, just another day in the office for this Stay @ Home Dad. “So, honey, how was your day?”
“I got shat on! Shat on I tell you!!!! Quite literally!!!!!”
Gonna go take a shower, wash to stains from the day off, and maybe have a cold beer. I need it.