I’ve been doing this stay @home thing for like 9 years now. In the beginning was to dawn of the Dot Com wave that nearly everyone decided to ride. I went to school to learn web development, picked out a hosting service referred by a friend, and away I went, virtual surfboard in hand. Now, nearly 10 years later, it is time to end my relationship w/ my hosting service, which, in a way has felt much like a bitter divorce. I have considered leaving my hosting service, I somewhat begrudgingly call “Nightmare Host.” They were decent for many years, as I plugged away making websites. I retained a few clients (one of which I still host), so things were doing pretty well- I didn’t make bank like alot of others, but I enjoyed my time dev’n. But over the years, I have had numerous issues w/ down time, for both myself and my ONE client.
The last straw was when I went to try and set up this here blog. It’d been awhile since I’d accessed my site (I was basically paying for my email account, which I had gotten everything tethered to). I had lost the information needed to upload content. I emailed numerous times, getting the complete runaround on what to do. So, I had had enough. I bit the bullet and started up a new account somewhere else. That in itself took a process of nearly a month! Once I finally got up and running, I kinda forgot about “Nightmare Host” until my one client mentioned to me that his sight had been taken down. Yup. I had let my account go and he suffered. So NH pulled his site down as well- bastards! In order to be able to get things up and running, I had to pay 30 bucks for a site they no longer hosted to reactivate my account, just so I can switch my account over to “Domain Only.” I should’ve sensed something was wrong upon signing up when I noticed there was no support number. Hopefully someday soon the divorce will be over and I can finally move on w/ my virtual life.