This morning, as I was dropping Soph off for Vacation Bible School, I parked next to a schwanky silver sports car…..I think it was like a Mercedes Kompressor (what kind of a name is Kompressor for a car, much less a sports car?) The parking lot is full of ueber spensive rollin’ rubber- after all, it is a church in the Bowl (an affluent part of town), right? As I was getting out, I carefully opened my door, but to open it all the way, I had to rest to door against the car next to me. No big, this has happened before w/out making a mark or dent. As I was getting out, I remembered Soph needed sunscreen. “OK, I’ll stop down and put some on before droppin’ her off” I thought to myself. So, as I was applying the sunscreen, the guy that owned the silver schwankster comes up behind me, his ascot-pressed docker shorts-sweater vest-boxer brief panties in a twist, and yells “Jesus, look what you did to my car!” Keep in mind that the door was merely touching his car. I apologized, closed my door slightly, secretly marveling over the irony of him using the Lords name in vain outside a church. Brilliant. He rubbed his “Baby” like it was severely injured, murmured several curse words under his breath, and left. Made my day. Yes, Mr Schwanky-pants…….feel the Friggin’ love of Christ! Yaaaaaaargh!!!!!!